Saturday, June 9, 2012

10 june , 2012 Everything is Subjective , relative and nothing is Absolute. Remember and Realise one thing very clearly : Everything is Subjective , relative and nothing is Absolute. Every word we say is relative term subject to that particular moment and with reference to circumstances under which the word is said. Even Holy words and Phrases in Holy books like Quran , Geeta and Bible are relative in their context and with reference to the times in which they were writen and said. Do not make the blunder of interpreting every phrase and word , in todays context , what ever any one writes , remember is always relative and meant in a particular perspective. All words and thoughts shared are mutual SHARING of thoughts meant for that particular moment. Suppose , you say to your friend “ You are an IDIOT or You are a FOOL”, remember , to realise that , it is meant for that particular moment and for that particular situation. This does not mean that your friend is really an IDIOT or really a FOOL. There is not even a single sentence in this world , which is not relative . No sentence in this world is OBSOLUTE and valid under all circumstances . Even messages in Holy Books are not valid under all circumstances and times. Once we realise this , lot of our misunderstandings and irrational interpretations of religions and words of our dear ones will be reduced a lot , and we will be more tolerant towards one another. So realise , Education and even LAW cant be UNIVERSAL and SAME for all people on this planet. Education needed differs from place to place in accordance with the people who are involved , region and conditions. : Sri Abdul Singh Aziz ( Praveen Punjari ) visit to benefit from welfare centre and Interactive Seminars and Workshops, 9912960540